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Planning and Management (P & M) Branch

Planning and management faculty plays an important role in the functioning of DIET. This branch maintain an appropriate data base of the district regarding Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) and National Literacy Mission (NLM). In this regard some studies on enrolment, retention, regularity of attendance including SC/ST children may be conducted for framing policies. It also provides technical assistance in the areas of school mapping, micro planning in specific areas, school complexes and instructional areas etc. Besides this, it acts as nodal branch to select all programmes of community involvement in basic education particularly

District Board of Education, School Management Committee & Community leaders etc. many other roles of this branch are as follows:


  1. To maintain an appropriate database for the district which may be required for various planning exercises aimed at UPE/UEE/NLM goals and for monitoring progress towards these goals.

  2. To conduct studies with a view to giving policy advise to educational planners/ administrators regarding UEE/NLM. Some of the important areas for such studies may be:

    • Enrolment, retention and regularity of attendance of children and adult learners (especially females, SC/ST, minorities, handicapped, slumdwellers and other disadvantaged groups)-various factors affecting these;

    • Effects of various interventions (including incentives) on the above;

    • Community’s perception of and participation in the process of basic education;

    • Development of norms, criteria and techniques for evaluation of Institutions (Schools and AE/NFE Centers) of the district.

  3. To provide technical assistance to educational authorities in:

    • School mapping;

    • Micro planning for UPE/AUEE in an area specific and target group specific manner;

    • Formation and activation of school complexes;

    • Institutional planning for school complexes, schools, etc. and;

    • Institutional evaluation.

  4. To serve as the nodal branch in relation to all programmes of community involvement in basic education, and in particular, to conduct orientation programmes for members of DBE, VECs, community leaders, youth and other voluntary educational workers.

  5. To conduct appropriate programmes for Head Masters, Heads of school complexes and Block level educational functionaries in p & M, covering areas like leadership, motivation, involving the community, educational administration, finance and accounting, office procedure, planning for UPE/UEE, institutional planning, etc.

  6. To appraise the efficacy of various programmes of educational development implemented in the district especially vis-à-vis the objectives of UPE/UEE and NLM.

  7. To act as the nodal branch for preparing institutional plans and annual self-evaluation reports for the DIET, and for liaising with DBE.

  8. To provide P & M related inputs into all other programmes/ activities of the institute.

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